Security education jss2 second term

Explain the termDealingin Fake Drugs. JSS3 SECOND TERM PHE EXAM QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. Week 2 – MEANING OF CULTURE. 5. Edudelight. JSS3 SECOND TERM BASIC SCIENCE EXAM QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. The striking games include the following except (a)Baseball (b)Cricket (c)Long jump (d)Tennis. (i) Exclusive list (ii) Concurrent list (iii) Residual list. The following are types of emergency management in society; 1. State 5 causes of murder b. Junior Secondary School Syllabus Second Term JSS2- Edudelight. Subject: C. English Studies Lesson Note for JSS 3 First Term. Doctors: A doctor is someone with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill May 24, 2021 · SECURITY EDUCATION RELIGION AND NATIONAL VALUES SECOND TERM EXAMINATION JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL – SS 3 . com gives you access to Lesson notes, Lesson Plans, Scheme of work,Curriculum, Exams for Nursery, Primary and Secondary Classes. Differentiate between value and lifestyle. The scene of crime must be due _____. 24m/s. Literature in English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria junior secondary school two (JSS2) students. 06 Security Education JSS2 Second Term Mid-Term Assessment. Values enable us to choose bad friends D. 2 SECOND TERM. Week 10. Com. Assignment. Lesson Note on French JSS2 (Basic 8) Second Term. Week 1 Revision/Resumption test Week 2. Security Education JSS2 Third Term Final Assessment Our mission is to provide a world‑class education for anyone, anywhere. WEEKS TOPICS /CONTENTS . Components of school health program: (a) meaning of school program (b) the components of school health program –(i) health instruction (ii) school health services (iii) healthful school living/healthful school environment (iv All materials are subject to TERMLY review. Parents should be quickly notified of the situation. Sharing is caring. Description. CIVIC EDUCATION – NVE 1. 06 Security Education JSS1 Second Term Mid-Term Assessment. Calculate the workdone when a force of 15N travels a distance of 10m. Punishable Offences. The rule of law Meaning of law and the rules of law Benefit of the rules of law as against arbitrary rule. Free Security Education online learning lesson notes and videos for Secondary school and High school students. Edudelight Lesson. 1 DEFINITION OF CRIME. TOPIC. SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: JSS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. COM, Instruction: Answer all question in this section Read More » Lessonplan Security Education JSS2 Second Term. 01 Types of emergency management in the school environment. Security Education JSS2 Second Term. Mention the causes of delay in emergency. Rule of Law. Direct Democracy. SECTION A – Answer all questions . Joseph’s Dreams and Moses Leading the Israelites Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10. a. Wk 1: Definition of crime. 03 Common Crimes. State two rules and regulation of table tennis. Background and Setting of the drama text (s). (a) sanitize (b)locked and guarded (c) kept open (d) allowed to trespassers 2. They themselves make the laws, enforce them and decide cases according to these laws. 01 Relating to security agents in preventing crime in society. Inadequate washing of hands and fingernails in the process of preparing food or when food is being served. Feb 27, 2021 · SECURITY EDUCATION – JSS2 1. 02 Types of emergency management in the society. Quantitative reasoning involving expansion. S. Emergency management agents at school. WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES AND CONTENT LINKS. Listen attentively to the explanations and contribute positively. Appropriate actions to be taken during emergency Security agents are government officials who conduct intelligence activities for the internal and external security of a nation. 11 Element of security. 4 COMMON CRIMES IN SCHOOLS. Farm structures and building -Meaning and types. define the meaning of national security. Wk 2: Observing of crime. Week 2: FACTORIZATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION. Citizenship is the relationship which exists between an individual and the country he lives. (a) Explain areas of differences between federal, state and local governments. It regulates body temperature. (b) List and explain five types of citizenship. One of the following is the importance of values A. JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (JSS 2) SECOND TERM . JSS2 6 Students. Revision. SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION. 7. Ng offers practice exercises, lesson, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Listfiveconsequences of not performing obligation. bought. Army D. They are the domestic cousins of foreign intelligence agencies, and typically conduct counterintelligence to thwart other countries' foreign intelligence efforts. You can equally zoom the note to increase or decrease the display size to fit your preference. The following are major insecurity breaches facing Nigeria except (a) robbery (b) assassination (c) kidnapping (d) walking. The lesson note covers weekly prepared lesson note and each topic in this lesson note is explained in details with adequate evaluation at the end of each week. One of the following has no known cure at the moment. Define the following. Response to emergency management in society. SECTION A — OBJECTIVES . Happy Reading! JSS2 SECOND TERM BASIC SCIENCE EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT. The violation or breaking of law is called _____. WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT. Internet I. 02 Relating to security agents in school in preventing crime. WEEK 2. 03 Response to an emergency at school. Oct 30, 2019 · FIRST TERM – NATIONAL VALUE EDUCATION (NVE) JSS 2. HOME ECONOMICS SECOND TERM EXAMINATION JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL - JSS 8 SECTION A – OBJECTIVES Answer all the questions. Common crimes in school. Senate C. (b) State four consequences of Non-performance of obligation by citizens. Students should be able to: relate with security agents in school in preventing crime. Given that the timetaken is 15minutes , calculate the power. 11. Week 4. Week 6. Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 500kg of water through a vertical height of 12m in 0. Association. 2 One reason for committing crime is _____. Forms of common crimes. c. It is based on the latest unified NERDC/UBE curriculum which is Jan 18, 2023 · SECURITY EDUCATION JS III. Dec 8, 2020 · Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note. Relating with security agents in school in preventing crimes. Basic skills and techniques of table tennis. Third Term JHS 1 2nd Term Security Education, JHS 1 ONLINE STUDY, JSS1 2nd Term Security Education, JSS1 ONLINE STUDY. 04 Response to emergency management in society. DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options. REVISION & EXAM. Reporting techniques/ways e. (a)murder (b) kidnapping (c)theft (d) bribery. (b) Define the concept of the rule of law. The unpleasant smell that comes from the body is called ________________. Wk 5: Common crimes in our environment. SCHEME OF WORK PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION J. Wk 3: Reporting of crimes. THEORY: INSTRUCTIONS: Answer four (4) questions in this section. Causes of delay in emergency management. 3270kilowatts. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Week 2. Get access to all the scheme of work, lesson notes and other e-Resources starting with just N350 N200 a day, N2 A semitone is the shortest or smallest distance in pitch between any two keys or notes. National Values: Courage. “Semi” means half. State five causes of falsehood b. Maths Elearning Note for JSS2 – Edudelight. state 4 effect of fake drugs (b) list 4 solutions to the sale of the fake drugs in Nigeria. COM. Rhythm. 2. After identifying and observing a particular crime in an environment, it is important that these crimes should be reported to the appropriate authority in order to get it solved without further problems. (c) Protection of the rule of law (legal process, independent judiciary, equity, justice, fair-play, good governance etc. (a)law (b)crime (c) offence (d) punishment. Graphic packages I: Meaning and feature of graphic package. Nigeria operates a federal, written and rigid constitution. {a} armed robbery {b} murder {c} smuggling {d} corruption . Relating with security agents -humility -polite -bold. Democracy. C and C sharp, D and D sharp, etc. Pillars of Democracy. 05 Characteristics of Criminal. Textbooks, posters, stickers e. 3. (b)The Rule of law e. Subject Details . 07 Explain the lack of neighbourhood security. Governor. JSS1 Physical and Health Education (PHE) Lesson for Secondary School. National Security is the aggregate requirement to maintain the survival of the state through the use of economic power, diplomatic power projection and political superiority. Legislative power Lagos State Scheme of work Social Studies Jss2 Second Term. (b) Briefly explain the following. Work ii Energy iii. Jan 21, 2019 · 1. State the agents of emergency management. 1 The following are examples of national crimes except _____. National Values: Discipline. c. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT I. Animals feed and feeding. SUB-THEME: COMMON CRIMES AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT II. Literature in English Language third term Scheme of work for Nigeria junior secondary school two (JSS2) students. THEORY. (a) Identify five importance of rights and duties of citizens in a state. Oct 22, 2019 · Simple First Aid Steps for Kids Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9. Under this system the people take direct in the affairs of the state. 3a. State three voters’ right. The unit of energy is—————————–. Week 1: EXPANSION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION. Comprehension questions. Test. WEEK. Types of culture Characteristics of culture. Week 1- LIVING TOGETHER IN THE FAMILY – Definition of family. 03 Relating to security agents in school in preventing crime II. (a) Explain the meaning of law. Reading to identify meanings of words in context. Worry no more, here is the reviewed and updated version of JSS2 2nd TERM Civic Education lesson note available online. 12 Security Education JSS2 Third Term Final Assessment. SECTION B. 05 Emergency management agents at school. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Performance objectives: Students should be able to: 1. 80m/s d. State 3 causes of rape. Choose the correct answer from the options. Local emergency should be notified of the situation. Identify the nature and relationship among Federal, State and Local Governments. Police contacts, police press cards etc. Outline four importance of food. Click here to get the complete Civic Education questions for JSS 2. Rules for writing crime reports. ____________________ is having a sense of strong moral standard about life and FIRST TERM JSS2 SECURITY EDUCATION EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT. 7 kilowatts b. 02 Duties of Security Agents. - JSS2 SECOND TERM CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) EXAMINATION QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. Types of emergency management in the school environment. Mention the agents of emergency management in society. Itemize the objectives of social studies. {c} fire disaster. t. Community health. Values promote peace and progress B. 2 Emergency management agencies include all but one of these. com, GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT, Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire Generally, social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitude that will help them become responsible citizens. & Lines c) Balance & Colour d) Balance &Repetition. State three benefits of the rule of law. {b} smoking. WEEK 3 – Tips on Begin Security Alert . Reading of the drama text (s) for the term. 27kilowatts c. WEEKS TOPIC S. (a) kinetic (b) potential (c) mechanical (d) electrical. A personalized learning resource for all agesClassNotes. Relationship between federal, state and local government. R. D. 17) One of the following is a group of principles of art. 10. Week 1 – 3. 3. The people themselves are the rulers and they are the ruled at the same time. WEEK 1 – Revision WEEK 2 – Involvement of Security Agents Preventive Measures – Involvement of Security Agents Primary 2/Basic 2 Term 2 Week 2 Security Education . WEEKS TOPICS. SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR AGRIC SCIENCE JSS 2 (BASIC 8) – MODIFIED I. The striking games (table tennis and lawn tennis) ii. COM, Lack of cooperation normally leads to Sep 14, 2022 · Below are the 2022 complete JSS2 Second Term Civic Education Lesson Note. Agents of emergency management in society ; Consequences of delay in emergency management ; Causes of delay in emergency management at schools. WEEK 1. Causes of delay in emergency management in the community. French lesson note for JSS2…. Education resource Centre. Expansion of the form a (b + c) = ab + ac. A semitone can be obtained from a white note and its adjacent or closest black note, e. Exposure to flies and cockroaches, rats, etc. Family Bond and Living Together as one Family. A group made up of people with same belief, interest and goals, who come together with the aim of winning election is ________. BASIC SCIENCE JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS SECOND TERM EXAMINATION BASIC 8 (JSS 1) Relevant exam questions - Second Term examination Basic Science Basic 7 (JSS 1) SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. 4. Get access to all the scheme of work, lesson notes and other e-Resources starting with just N350 N200 a day, N2 JSS2 FIRST TERM SECURITY EDUCATION SCHEME OF WORK. Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note. Instruction: Answer all question in this section. Word Problems on algebraic Fractions. 5marks. Assignment: 1. Simple Equations: Harder problems on Algebraic Fractions. Assuming g-9. Third Term Yoruba Examination Question for Primary School. security education exam questions for jss2 second term Basic Technology First Term Continous Assessment Test one Questions 2019/2020 Session – Junior Secondary School Two (JSS 2) Read Also FIRST TERM EXAMINATION BASIC 8 (JSS 2) SECURITY EDUCATION . She. 09 Personal duties and responsibilities to the school. Give one example of each class of food. The following are examples of Nigerian security agents: 1. 12. Definition of contact and non-contact sports. CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CULTISM AND DRUG. WK 4. a) Explain three obligations of citizens. The process whereby an individual desires to acquire the status of a country is EXAM QUESTIONS, SECOND TERM JSS1 SOCIAL STUDIES EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT. Security Education JSS2 Second Term Mid-Term Assessment - Test. CAUSES OF FALSEHOOD AND THEFT. CLASS: JSS 2. (a) Define citizenship. state five effect of falsehood. Personal security ; Security Education JSS2 Second Final Assessment - Test Access Federal Scheme of work JSS2 subjects for first term, second term and third term. Meaning and types of feeds. Se décrire,Savoir demander/indiquer des horaires , Parler de ses loisirs/exprimer ses gouts et ses préférences. equity before the law, all laws must be obeyed by all citizens, etc. 08 Effects of neighbourhood security. Home TEACHING MATERIALS Exam Questions – Second Term Examination Security Education Basic 7 (JSS 1) SECURITY EDUCATION EXAM QUESTIONS FOR JSS2 SECOND TERM JSS2 SECOND TERM SECURITY EDUCATION EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT. The federal, state and local governments are the three arms of government within a country. Forcing the government to grant a request can be called ______. Meaning of law and the rules of law; Benefit of the rules of law as against arbitrary rule ; 4. Personal security. A semitone is the shortest or smallest distance in pitch between any two keys or notes. (c) State five process of becoming a citizen. Civic Education Lessons for Secondary School. {a} flood. State appropriate measures are taken in emergency management in society. a). See the Answer. Information and Communication Technology. Here are 20 JSS2 English Language questions with options and answers: Question: Identify the direct object in the sentence: “She bought a new dress. CIVIC EDUCATION. Conditions for living together as a family, Roles performed by individual in the family (a) Father (b) Mother (c) Children. OBJECTIVES: Instruction: Answer all questions in this section 5. {a} security {b} security education {c} seniority {d} severity 1. Classification of livestock feed. i. RELIGION AND NATIONAL VALUES. This lesson note/lesson plan covers the following topics for JSS2 Second Term Civic Education: Protection of the Rule of law(a) Meaning of the rule of law. COM, BASIC SCIENCE SCIENCE EXAM QUESTIONS FOR JSS2 SECOND TERM JSS2 History Elearning Note - Edudelight. Jss2 Mathematics Curriculum for Second Term – Modified II. Dominance & Texture b). WEEK 11 – Security Precautions in the Environment Primary 1 (Basic 1) Term 2 Week 11 Security Education. We should treat people equally and fairly B. 8m/s 2. S Duration: 1HR 30MINS Class: JSS 2 (1) The parables of maturity and responsibility comprises of ———– parables (a)4 (b)2 Dec 8, 2020 · Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Scheme of Work. Spread the word if you find this helpful! PHE Lesson Note JSS2 Second Term – Edudelight. _________ commands the greatest power in Nigeria. SECTION A. 327kilowatts d. English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria junior secondary school two (JSS2) students. The country as a large entity is large Mar 22, 2023 · SECURITY EDUCATION JSS1, JSS2, JSS3 All term. Improper washing of utensils used in preparing other foods, Exposure to animal or human wastes particularly vegetables and fruits. {d} accident. The rule of law. 6 CONSEQUENCES OF COMMON CRIMES IN SCHOOLS. Wk 4: Common crimes in school. g. Types of emergency management in the society. com UBE Syllabus for Civic Education Second Term Jss2 Civic Education Syllabus Lagos State . REVISION OF LAST TERM’S WORK . Duration: 2HR Class: JSS 3. SECURITY EDUCATION. JSS2 SECOND TERM CIVIC EDUCATION EXAMINATION QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. Wk 6: Consequences of common crimes at school I. E is 64J. iii. Washing of cooking utensils, vegetables and This lesson notes cover the following topics for JSS2 First, Second and Third Term Security Education: FIRST TERM. B. Lesson Note on Biology SS2 First Term. 1. Revision Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11. [a] perfume [b] odour [c] smell [d] complexion 2. Answer: C. 01 Security Agents. Personal security refers to the safety of human beings and the ways in which they are enabled to live a full and productive life with dignity, without feeling afraid or Apr 29, 2023 · Activities: The teacher Helps the students to state appropriate ways of reporting crimes. 4&5 Protection of Human Rights and The Rule of Law. d)Samuel Akpabot. Revision of First Term Work. Agents of emergency management in society. Security Education JSS2 First Term. To scroll through the lesson note, use the up and down arrows on the toolbar below. Emergency management agency is an agency dedicated to rapid response to disasters, both man-made and natural ones. Week 5. The reporter must not be a public person because (a) to avoid being arrested. Background of the dramatist (s) of the read drama text (s) ii. Resumption Test. THIRD TERM PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS 2 (BASIC 8) SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR BOOK KEEPING SS1. Identify the types of emergency management in the school. Week 1. SECOND TERM EXAMINATION. Topic: Relationship between The Federal, State and Local Governments. ii. To prevent crimes,citizens should do the following except (A)Obeying the law (B)Reporting suspicious movement in the day or night (C)Reporting suspected Exposure to dust. All staff and students are either evacuated or kept still in the school building depending on the type of emergency. Identify the types of emergency management in the society. Factors to consider before deciding animal feeds. Explain the general objectives of social studies. Discuss the features of the prose text: Plot, characterisation, style, setting, language and theme. SOCIAL STUDIES – NVE 2. The students identify ways of reporting crime. COM, SECURITY EDUCATION EXAM QUESTIONS FOR JSS2 FIRST TERM JSS2 SECOND TERM HOME ECONOMICS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. Read More ». (b) State five importance of value system to the family (c) Explain the meaning of menstruation. Appropriate exit plan and evacuation plan should be in place for students and staffs. Attempt only 3 three Questions from this section. Writing: An Application for Employment. FIRST TERM JSS2 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION (PHE) EXAMINATION QUESTIONS – EDUDELIGHT. Another word for stealing is ______. _________ can be used to solve the problem of insecurity in Nigeria (a) Security education. You can equally zoom the note to increase or decrease Lagos State Scheme of work Computer Studies Jss2 Second Term. The word finance as used in the first paragraph belongs to which part of speech? (a) noun (b) adjective (c) adverb (d) verb. 7 CONSEQUENCES OF COMMON CRIMES IN OUR SOCIETY. President B. Types of emergency in school. 50m/s b. Classroom accidents: These are major accidents that occur in the classroom during school SCHEME OF WORK SECURITY EDUCATION JSS 1 SECOND TERM. DEMOCRACY. com. SECOND TERM. 1a. 34m/s c. Power. 5 COMMON CRIMES IN OUR ENVIRONMENT. General Objectives of Social Studies. Consumer Rights. Expansion of the form (a + b) (c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd. CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION. Feb 27, 2021 · Security Education JSS 1 Exam. com SCHEME OF WORK PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION JS2 (BASIC 8). Facebook. FCT ERC Teaching Scheme. Answer all questions. Week 9. Functions of Federal, State and Local Governments. _____________ energy is the energy stored in a body. Drawing with paint. 6. -self confidence etc. 3 REPORTING OF CRIMES. Democratic Institution. Subject: PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION . Causes of delay in emergency management at schools. Graphic packages II: Paint environment and paint tools and their functions. CIVIC EDUCATION RELIGION AND NATIONAL VALUES SECTION A: Answer all Questions. 04 Security Education JSS1 Third Term Mid-Term Assessment. Relationship among the Federal, State and Local government. Students should be able to: Mention ways of observing common crimes in schools. THEORY: Answer three questions in all. Sep 12, 2023 · You can get access to this lesson note as well as every other lesson notes on this website and that is all Secondary school lesson notes for all subjects from JSS1 – SS3, (first, second & third term) as an EduPodia Premium member. Note: This scheme contains performance objective, content, teacher and students activities as well as teaching resources. CIVIC EDUCATION RELIGION AND NATIONAL VALUES SECTION A - Answer All Questions. Revision of work done in the first term. Political Party. Dec 16, 2020 · You can get access to this lesson note as well as every other lesson notes on this website and that is all Secondary school lesson notes for all subjects from JSS1 – SS3, (first, second & third term) as an EduPodia Premium member. 3minutes . Observing and reporting common crimes. Revision ; Relationship between federal, state and local government; 3. SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ARTS JSS2 (BASIC 8) State three voters’ right. 10 Neighbourhood duties and responsibilities. 8. Performance objectives: Students should be able to: 1. 1 The following are among emergency management except ____________________. Agents of emergency management in society . SCHEME OF WORK. SECURITY EDUCATION EXAM QUESTIONS FOR JSS2 SECOND TERM. SECURITY EDUCATION PRIMARY 2 (BASIC 2) WEEKLY PLAN LESSON NOTES . Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using. _____ refers to a way of acquiring norms, skills and values that enhance protection of lives and properties. Mention four responsibilities of voters. Emergency management agents at schools. Mention two officials in tennis game and explain their duties. 32. lesson notes and videos for exam preparations: WAEC, JAMB, Cambridge O’Level, NECO, GCE, British IGSCE, KCSCE. Values enable us to make mistakes. National Values: Integrity. II. The light energy from the sun is called————–. GENERAL EVALUATION/ REVISION QUESTIONS. Social justice as a factor that influences our values means A. Appropriate ways of reporting crimes. 2 OBSERVATION OF CRIME. g. Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 37-40. There are two natural semitones on the keyboard. CAUSES OF MURDER AND RAPE. 9. Give the unit of measurement of the following. Content . Week 1: Definition of national security and crime. Week 8. SECTION A — OBJECTIVES. JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL – SS 2. WEEK 12 – REVISION AND Second Term Examination PREVIOUS TERM LESSONS First Term Security Education Plan Lesson Notes According to the the Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 1 (Basic 1) Lesson Notes NEXT TERM LESSONS. A. C. Relationship between The Federal, State and Local Governments. Oct 22, 2019 · Following are two types of democracy. ”. 2a. Question: Choose the correct form of the adjective: “This is the _____ day of my life. Leads the students on explaining how to relate with security agents in crime prevention. State the causes of delay in emergency management in the community. 04 Types of Common Crimes. a new dress. Methods of reporting crimes. The study of security education is important for these reason except (A)Promotion of peace (B)Inflicting hardship on citizens (C)Prevention of havoc (D)Promotion of national development. Another word that can replace the word key as used in the third paragraph is (a) important (b) global (c) serious (d) useless. dress. Physical and Health Education (PHE) ELesson note for Secondary School – Edudelight. Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. 15 minutes read. state five causes of theft. Explain personal security. –Construction of correct sentences with irony. SECOND TERM: JS 2 (BASIC 8) SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS. values enable us to commit crimes C. Therefore semitone means half tone. State 5 effect of Rape c. Explains to the students the different ways of reporting crimes. Calculate the velocity of a moving body of mass 20g if its K. Content. Objective: Students should be able to: 1. National values: Contentment. rg nk al uw xq ea fu tp aw kb