Dvar torah on kadesh

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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It is common for divrei torah(the plural form) to focus on the weekly Torah portion. The Seder consists of many customs and Mitzvot unique to Pesach. The Torah expresses a redundancy in the commandment: “Righteousness, righteousness you shall pursue so that you will live and take possession of the land that Hashem, your Apr 4, 2020 · This logic is also later cited in Minhag Yisrael Torah (vol. Haftarah. Download. And it is the togetherness of everyone leaning. This is based on Sotah 49a, which tells us that since the Temple was destroyed, the world endures There are five forms of Kaddish. Freedom is the natural state of man, this line of reasoning implies; free him of all outside forces that limit and inhibit him, and you have a free human being. He is represented by kol difchin (all who are hungry), and our response is to feed him - yetei v'yichol (come and eat). This explains Rabi Akiva’s famous statement: Love your neighbor During the meal, it’s appropriate to have someone deliver a Pidyon Haben Dvar Torah. Good Shabbos! Ki Savo contains the mitzvah of bringing the First Fruits (Bikkurim) to the Bais HaMikdash. 2-Urchatz -washing the hands. Commenting on these two exceptional situations, Tosafos [3] explain that they were “על פי הדיבור – A special Divine directive . Yizkor, of course, is our prayer for departed relatives. It starts out nice, with a series of promises about the incredible blessings that will come our way if we diligently follow God's laws: God will make sure that we are fruitful and multiply, will help us to conquer the land, will rid the land of 1 day ago · Joshua Waxman. The Relationship Between The Three Segments of Ha Lach Manya. These divrei Torah were adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissocher Frand’s Commuter Chavrusah Tapes on the weekly portion: CD #824 Hitting An Older Child. Torah Study. Four of them are regularly recited in shul and the fifth is reserved for special occasions. When one gives something to the Beit Hamikdash it becomes “hekdeish,” meaning that it is no longer available for general use; it is separated and designated for Hashem. Hallel – 15. Many of the great commentators of the past and present are quoted. Akiva, letter “beth” ; Gen. They combined against Moses and Aaron, saying “You’ve gone too far. 4 « Pesach (Passover) begins on the night of the fifteenth day of the month of Nissan and lasts for eight days. 1. 8:22): “the beginning of His way,” and for the sake of Israel Aug 19, 2004 · Good Shabbos! The Double Language: Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof. On Erev Shabbat, in between Mincha Apr 19, 2024 · In the Torah universe Mitzvos and Matzos begin with an element of Chok, the hidden ingredient, but they end up with a Taam, literally a taste, but also a reason. On the other hand, by starting the tochachah with a “ vav ” and concluding it with a “hei” the Torah is hinting, that even when the Jewish people may, G‑d forbid, violate Torah, Hashem My Jewish Learning. Blessed and praised, glorified, exalted and extolled, honored, adored and lauded be May 9, 2014 · There are a number of reasonable approaches. Others run and hide. He reveals for us a G-d intoxicated intellect. Judaism and Torah Study. A common explanation for why we do such unusual things is to prompt the children at the table to ask questions. There are almost 30,000 details that comprise phylacteries and 5,000 in the ubiquitous mezuzah with little information to guide to their uniform completion. As such, he can stand confidently before Hashem on Rosh Hashanah. All of the commentary, midrash, and divrei torah in Haggad. Personal Reflections. “Alone” here means separate from the influences of the nations of the world. There is more to ‘Yizkor’ than meets the eye. Posted on March 23, 2021 (5781) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner. QUESTION: Why does it say “Zot chukat haTorah” — “This is the statute of the Torah ” — instead of “Zot chukat parah adumah” — “This is the statute of the red heifer”? ANSWER: The laws concerning the parah adumah are paradoxical. When Yitro saw how hard Moshe was working, the first thing he said was, “Lo tov hadavar asher atah oseh” — “What you are doing is not good” (18:17). We are a unified nation with a singular mission under the direction of HASHEM Echod! So, while we may seem alone and living on the edge of a sword Feb 17, 2024 · Parshat Terumah Summary & Commentary. > The Blessing of Desolation. 25:1. We have just learned that Moses ascended Mount Sinai and disappeared into a cloud where he communed with God, on the mountain's summit, for forty days and forty nights. 2. (For more on the meaning of the Mishkan/Tabernacle, read our Terumah summary . Donate. This holiday commemorates the departure of the nation of Israel from Egypt. Tzafun – 13. Pesach marks the birth of the Jewish people as a nation led by Moshe (Moses) over 3000 years ago. Ha lachma anya, the piece that opens maggid, consists of three seemingly independent themes- an explanation of the matza's origin in the Egyptian servitude, an invitation to the needy to join our seder, and an expression of confidence about the final redemption. The Seder engages every participant from the youngest to eldest, by following carefully prescribed rituals that invite questions and an active discussion. Nancy Reuben Greenfield. ‘And Elochim said, “Let there be light and there was light Tractate Ketubot. We are absolutely dependent, in the fullest sense of the word, upon HASHEM’s existence and not at all the other way around. We currently have a database of over twenty five hundred entries of divrei Torah By Torah. I'm thrilled to share AI-generated thoughts, dvar Torah, midrashim, and artworks with all of you. Let's dive deep into the connection between technology and spirituality. Although there does not seem to be a direct dispute regarding whether everyone at the Seder or just the head of the household wash by Urchatz , it is implied by their specific writings. To receive weekly insights directly from the Chief Rabbi, subscribe at https://www. Between Me and the Children of Israel it is a sign forever that in a six-day period HASHEM made heaven and earth and on the seventh day He rested Aug 9, 2012 · The whole world is actually a manifestation of the speech of The Almighty. Commentary on Parashat Korach, Numbers 16:1 - 18:32. Based on your search, you will be provided with a one sentence summary of relevant sources. Share. On the one hand, when the mixture is sprinkled on the defiled person he becomes cleansed. Can You Have a The Hadran is recited at the completion of a seder of Mishnah or a tractate of Talmud. Between 1992 and 2019, Rabbi Packouz, obm was the author of Shabbat Shalom Weekly, with insights into life, personal growth and Torah. It is based on a Talmudic account of a successful heavenly appeal launched by the great Rabbi Akiva. AI are original works created by ChatGPT. This means that the Pesach offered in the days of Yehoshua immediately upon crossing the Jordan River [2] was also an exception to the rule. Just tell them the truth and they will listen. He transitioned from a Reform Judaism background to a fully Torah-observant life at age 22, via Aish HaTorah, where he was one of the founding five students. The Seder is the traditional Pesach meal that includes reading, drinking four cups of wine, telling stories, eating Avadim hayinu Devar Torah. Sep 24, 2009 · These are concluding words of Avinu Malkeinu- Our Father, our King, which is a prayer that we recite on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur and the days in between. Jun 02, 2024. com takes no responsibility for any errors in the website, we ensure to correct any mistakes at soonest possible moment, We try to be as accurate as possible with all teachings from the respective Torah topics. The pasuk says, “Yisro, the minister of Midyan, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that G-d did to Moshe and to Israel, His people – that Hashem took Israel out of Egypt. 133 - 134: 14), and Ohel Yaakov (on Hilchos U’Minhagei Leil HaSeder, pg. Yaakov taught Binyomin Torah and through their Torah study, their souls became connected. The border then turns south of Maaleh Akrabim, passing toward Zin, and its end shall be to the south of Kadesh Barnea. The fruits are brought to the Kohen Nov 13, 2015 · As mentioned by Reb Akiva Eiger in the Teshuvos (42,) Bris Millah is the hechsher for learning Torah. With special attention to contemporary religious and social issues. He was confined to reside within the walls of this city. The Pidyon Haben dvar torah can focus on the meaning of the mitzvah, or connect to that week’s Torah reading. To Paroh we worked for him but that was not our essence. Leviticus 26:3-27:34. Passover embodies a far more ambitious May 10, 2024 · HASHEM spoke to Moshe saying, “Speak to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel and say to them, “You shall be holy, for holy am I, HASHEM, your G-d. And He said, “If you hearken to the voice of HASHEM, your G-d, and you do what is proper in His eyes, and you listen closely to His commandments and observe all His statutes, all the sicknesses that I have visited upon Egypt I will not visit upon you Nov 2, 2023 · Bilaam prophetically described the Jewish People as, “Am levaded yishkon” – “a nation that dwells alone”. These questions are famously synthesized into the Ma Nishtana - the four Feb 8, 2024 · Here is an interesting story of one young man whose confusion became almost overwhelming: David’s father passed away on the second day of Adar during a non-leap year. Parshat Tetzaveh is a continuation of the themes that began in Parshat Terumah: the creation of the Mishkan. Apr 23, 2019 · D’var Torah: Pesach. The word 'אמת' (truth) also adds up to 441. Especially at times of loneliness, distress, indecision or other personal difficulties, you may find it helpful to read and interpret the Torah portion with a particular focus on how the thoughts and actions of our foremothers and forefathers—intensely human characters—might help you deal Tenth of Tevet. The Chief Rabbi explains why Yizkor is more about life than about death. Most commonly, the Dvar Torah includes either an in-depth insight into a particular sugya (section/topic) or a general overview of the masechet. 5 Seven Approaches to D'var Torah. Good Shabbos & Chag Kosher V’somayach! Apr 23, 2019 · D’var Torah: Pesach. He writes, “What’s good for me is being close to G-d! ” (Tehillim 73:28) What King David artfully articulates in Tehillim is the authentic heart of 2 days ago · Bechukotai Torah Portion: Leviticus 26:3–27:34. In the general world things start out with a Taam, a delicious flavor or even a reason and end up as a Chok, a habit, an addiction, a blind The Torah explains that after the destruction of Sedom and the surrounding cities, Avraham relocated his camp and resettled in Gerrar – located between Kadesh and Shur. Beirach – 14. Rabbi Frand On the Weekly Torah Portion. The oni who does not have food to eat, who cannot sustain his life. I approve of the general approach, of trying to draw a general picture of the Sage, though I think I disagree with the particulars in this case. The Meshech Chochmah suggests an explanation as to the One who must leave for work at a certain time and is faced with a choice of daven ing in a slow minyan (such as a yeshiva or kollel) and leaving before the end of daven ing, or daven ing in a quicker minyan where it is difficult for him to daven properly, should rather daven in the slower minyan – even if it means that he will miss kerias ha Dvar Torah. Maror 10. ”. (5778) Feb 24, 2024 · Tetzaveh Torah Portion: Exodus 27:20–Exodus 30:11. 4-Yachatz -breaking of the middle Matza. ”” (Vayikra 19:1) Some people get very excited when they hear about this mandate for the entire assembly of the Children of Israel to be holy. On the last day of Pesach we’ll be reciting Yizkor as we do on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzaret and the second day of Shavuot. The Hadar Institute is a center of Jewish life, learning, and practice that builds vibrant egalitarian communities in North America and Israel. When a child asks others to grant his Dec 24, 2023 · Amidst ongoing efforts to commemorate victims of the Simchas Torah massacre in southern Israel and the subsequent war, the Chessed Chaim V’Emes organization has recruited 730 volunteers to Jul 29, 2021 · One verse literally reads, “V’Haya Eikev Tishmaoon” “if you will listen”. Gemara in Berachot says היסיבו יחד. The The everyone shouldn’t matter. 3. (1) After donning a tallit with tzitzit (2) one should then put on tefillin, because we go up in holiness [i. Korech – 11. The 10th of Tevet, is one of the fasts which the Jews participate in every year. Shulchan Orech -12. As a result of a minor miscalculation, the Jewish men ANSWER: The root of the word “kedoshim” is “kadosh,” which means sanctified and “separated. The second two are “Shma” [Hear] and “v This week’s Torah portion,which describes various sacrificial offerings by the priests, includes a description of a distinctive category: the zevach shlamim, the well-being offering. This is the first meaning of the word, “ Kadesh ” — to transcend the mundane world. The Mourner's Kaddish – recited by mourners at the end of prayers as well as those observing a yartzeit. Passover embodies a far more ambitious Mar 25, 2021 · This dvar Torah was adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissocher Frand’s Commuter Chavrusah Tapes on the weekly portion: CD #1026 – Salt on the Table. The Rabbi Sacks Legacy perpetuates the timeless and universal wisdom of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks as a teacher of Torah, a leader of leaders, and a moral voice. Jun 7, 2002 · A child can intuitively understand what his parent’s want from him. $100 OTHER. The very word Seder means order — everything has its place on an How to deliver a meaningful d'var Torah that reflects one's personal religious struggle and engages the audience with the biblical text and its relevance. The entirety of existence is founded on the will of G-d expressed by His words. Motzi – 8. MONTHLY. org/subscribe. Without such self-limitation, the Ramban declares, a person can be a ‘naval b’rshus haTorah’ [a glutton ‘sanctioned’ by the Torah]. Elijah takes on Ahab and worshippers of Baal. ") May His great Name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Sep 15, 2011 · Gratitude — A Key Torah Principle. 23 April 2019. Apr 10, 2014 · 1-Kadesh -the recitation of Kiddush. In addition, the 42 cities of the Levites scattered throughout the Holy Land similarly served as a safe havens for the accidental killer. VortFinder is a tool that can be used to find a dvar Torah on a specific Parsha, Pasuk, or topic. [ Shemos 18:1] Rashi teaches: Yisro had seven names – Reuel, Yeser, Yisro, Hovav, Heber, Keini, and Putiel. This means that readers can expect fresh insights and perspectives that they won't find in other Haggadot. ) We already heard the start of God's instructions for how to construct the Mishkan, and this parsha Feb 8, 2024 · This is a critical and oft underappreciated nugget of information. Sometimes. Rabbah 1:6; Lev. Eikev literally means heal and “V’Haya”, our sages tell us, always introduces good news. The words “I will be exalted and I will be sanctified” in Hebrew are “v’hisgadilti v’hiskadishti” (roots: GDL, large, and KDSh, holy). God then describes the long list of punishments that will be inflicted on the Israelites if they It teaches us that the sequence of the Creation as written is impossible, as is written immediately below] as our Rabbis stated (Letters of R. ). Moshe was saying, in effect: “see how wonderful Aharon’s sons are! In your lifetime and in your days and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon, and say, Amen. The contributors are various rabbis in cyberspace. Jewish Learning. Jul 26, 2022 · Six principal cities of refuge were designated in the Holy Land, three on either side of the River Jordan. Literally, however, we are counting the days since the Omer offering, when the first barley of the season was harvested and offered on the Temple altar. We have the step of Korech so we can fulfill our obligation of Matzo and Marror according to all sides in a dispute regarding the performance of the Mitzvos at the time when we had the Holy Temple. At the beginning of the parsha, the Torah teaches us regarding how scrupulous judges must be in upholding the laws. Rabbanifar Magen Israel THE STEPS OF THE SEDER. There is a machlokes (e. we were slaves Divrei Torah and hashkafa written by the rabbis of Yeshiva University, as well as MP3 and CD audio. This indefinite sentence lasted until the Mar 24, 2022 · The Rav told them over a Rashbam from this week’s parsha. The process of children asking questions is supposed to be spontaneous they are supposed to be involved and thinking. The four recited in shul are commonly referred to as “Half Kaddish,” “Whole Kaddish,” “Mourner’s Kaddish” and “Rabbis’ Kaddish. First, choose the text that will serve as the basis of your d’var Torah. The text of the portion can be found in a chumash(a printed Torah for synagogue use which Mar 29, 2015 · About the Author. The Kaddish of the Rabbis – recited after Torah study. Mar 1, 2024 · Posted on March 1, 2024 (5784) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner The Children of Israel shall keep the Shabbos, to make the Shabbos an eternal covenant for their generations. 3-Karpas -eating a vegetable dipped in salt-water. g. 3, pg. The oni who has food and isn't in danger of immediate death, but is impoverished and cannot meet her other May 6, 2005 · The concept is “sanctify yourself by withdrawing from that which is permissible to you” (kadesh es atzmecha b’mutar lach). That is when true spiritual freedom begins, when you introduce a higher purpose into all those things The Jews refer to the holiday as Pesach, telling the praise of G‑d, who passed over the homes of the Jewish people in Egypt. We can detect the wisdom only after doing. Let’s create a savings plan so that we will have what to eat in the 7th year. Maggid – 6. In the 5784-5785 Torah reading cycle, Rabbi David Kasher is writing Hadar's weekly Dvar Torah, taking a literary approach to the weekly Torah portion, draw out the beauty and artistry of the Torah’s text through imagery, wordplay, and even grammar. All of these sources lend themselves to be easily adapted for a dvar Torah. (Cong: "Amen. Only 30 months later -- on Tammuz 9th, 3338 -- the city walls were breached, and on Av 9th of that year TorahVort. Parashat Ki Tisa: Summary. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev). The Half-Kaddish – recited in order to distinguish between the different segments of the prayer service. ” The Passover Seder is one of the most commonly-observed Jewish practices, passed from generation to generation for millenia. Then comes the second meaning: Once you’ve set yourself free from your material worries, you can return and sanctify them. Rashi explains that with the destruction of Sedom and the surrounding region, travelers abandoned the routes in the area. Not one Mitzvah in the entire Torah is capable of being carried into action given only the parameters provided in the text. The Half Kaddish (or “Chatzi Kaddish” in Hebrew) is the simplest Mar 3, 2024 · The Dvar Torah at a siyum lets the learner share with those gathered something that she learned from the masechet. We find Moshe taking up the collection from the people to build the Mishkan,the Tabernacles and the actual building of all the vessels under Betzalel’s direction. Iyyar 24, 5784. Haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story. We say עבדים היינו לפרעה במצרים we were slaves to Paroh not that we were עובדי פרעה the Rav explains the distinction between are slavery to Paroh and to Hashem. Thus, the lender wants every day to be as short as possible so that more days pass and he will earn more money. On the other hand, the borrower prays that each day should become longer so that he will have to pay for fewer days. This expression is paraphrased by the opening words of Kaddish, “Yisgadal v’yiskadash shmei rabbah” – “May Your great Name be exalted and may it be sanctified…”. Read the text of Hadran online with commentaries and connections. Torah Reading. This is in a Tanchuma and in the Ollelos Ephraim and implicit in the Gemara in Nedarim, that both are necessary to the existence of the world. Stretch your knowledge of the Haggadah text. Rashi adds that he was called For women, Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the new month, is considered a mini-holiday as a reward for not having been willing to participate in the sin of the Golden Calf. Jun 5, 2008 · In Tehillim-Psalms King David expresses prophetically the highest aspirations and moorings of the Jewish heart, individually and collectively. In this Torah portion, God tells the people of Israel that if they follow God’s commandments, they will be provided with rain to feed their crops. ANSWER: When a person lends money on interest, he profits with every day that passes. The Seder begins with a recounting of the 15 steps to be performed ( Simanei Haseder - Kadesh, Urchatz, etc. Urchatz – 3 Karpas – 4. You can locate the name of the portion for a given week in a Jewish calendar. The Full Kaddish – recited by the leader at the conclusion of the service. Torah is the language that unifies Jews of past, present and future generations. (Tractate Taanis 25B) It’s not clear why this particular formulation proved more Feb 13, 2020 · Midos Tovos Are The Key. Read a selection of personal reflections and stories about individuals' interactions with Rabbi Sacks, or submit your own. “If you will listen–listen to My Commandment”. Now, Korach, a Levite, along with two sons of Eliab, decided to rise up against Moseswith the support of 250 community leaders. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. e. Pesach. Rabbi Label Lam moderates this list. In this step, we say the prayer of Kiddush over a cup of preferably red wine to sanctify the holiday. מורשת הרב זקס מנציחה The Freedom to Passover. After living in Chicago for 50 years, the last 10 of which Zev Shandalov served as a shul Rav and teacher in local Orthodox schools, his family made Aliya to Maale Adumim in July Jan 16, 2022 · The Rabbis’ Kaddish (“Kaddish D’Rabbanan”) is recited after a public lecture in the Oral Torah. Kadesh Dvar Torah by Tehilla Fishman | Passover haggadah by Maimonides Academy. Jun 30, 2014 · This principle is to be found in the commentary of Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzkhaki, 1040-1105) on the Torah portion Khukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1), which was read on the Shabbat of June 27-28, on the verse (Numbers 21:15) “and the Egyptians mistreated us and our patriarchs. Jun 7, 2002 · Posted on June 7, 2002 (5756) By Rabbi Dovid Green | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner This week’s parshios, Vayakhel-Pekudei, both seem somewhat redundant. You just get up and walk out. Even the עני שבישראל. Through the children’s speech—e. A d’var Torah (a word of Torah) is a talk or essay based on the parashah (the weekly Torah portion). Matzah. Often, the father of the baby speaks, while some ask the Kohen to address the crowd. Jan 25, 2007 · Why “two plus two”? Rav Dovid Cohen suggests a very novel approach to this problem: What are the four sections that we insert into the Tephillin? The first two are “Kadesh” [Sanctify] and “v’haya ki yevi’acha” [and it will be when He will bring you] that are located in Parsha s Bo. Jan 26, 2024 · Posted on January 26, 2024 (5784) By Rabbi Label Lam | Series: Dvar Torah | Level: Beginner. 1) How about saving up as Yosef managed in Egypt during the years of plenty. Beginning in Parshat Terumah, we start to learn about what it is that God and Moses Jun 7, 2002 · Maror, Korech. Jan 12, 2024 · The goal of this lesson plan, this exercise entitled “Exodus from Egypt” is explicitly spelled out. Even if the child is in the midst of learning Torah, he must stop to assist his parents [4]. On the 10th of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation, the armies of the Babylonian head Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem (Rosh Hashana 18b). Mar 23, 2021 · Pesach. Bookmark. Terumah Torah Portion: Exodus 25:1–Exodus 27:19. The Maharal explains that Hillel held that we should eat the Pesach, Matzo, and Marror all together as the Pasuk says “Al Matzos U The manner in which one assists parents is a crucial aspect of the mitzvah [ 3]. 9. Mar 26, 2021 · By: Hadassah Reich (11th Grade)Throughout the Seder, from Kadesh to Nirtzah, it is clear that the night is quite different from all others. Someone shared a dvar Torah they’d recently heard from a rabbi that considered Tannaitic or Amoraic biography. That’s not the answer the Torah gives though. Igniting journeys of Jewish discoveryDonate. Which Hebrew letter appears here the most (9 times)? The letter raish appears nine times: Urchatz, Karpas, Rachtza, Maror, Koreich, Shulchan orech, Barech, Nirtzah. Dvar Torah is your opportunity to read fascinating insights on the weekly portion of the Torah. Those who put their tefillin bag and tallit together in the same bag should The Chief Rabbi's D'var Torah for Shemini Atzeret. , since tefillin are holier than tzitzit, we start with the tzitzit and then go to the tefillin]. Today, we might call this absolute poverty. Freedom is commonly perceived as the removal of all external constraints on a person’s development and self-expression. We see that the . God continues describing the Tabernacle to Moses; the people worship the Golden Calf, Moses pleads on their behalf, and God forgives them. Good Things are coming because of this type of listening. What is Kadesh? Kadesh is the first section in the Pesach seder. Mar 30, 2023 · David Khafizov Pesach 5783 Mrs. Answer is that the fact that everyone is free is vital. The author of the Hadran text is anonymous. , when a child is honored, he should credit his parents for the honor bestowed upon him. org | Series: Mishna Berura | Level: Advanced. The text of the prayer gives thanks to God for allowing the reciter to learn the seder or masechet and expresses the desire to return to the text for continued study in the future. That is exactly what a great teacher does! The Zohar writes: This is the first Mitzvah of all the Mitzvos, to know that there is the Holy One Blessed Be ANSWER: The word “keshurah” (קשורה) — “bound” — has the numerical value of 611, which is the same numerical value as the word “Torah” (תורה). 2) Let’s try staggering the fallow years as universities do, and giving 1/7thof the staff off Parshas Vayigash: Looking At – And Out For – Each Other (5767) Which Mitzvos Did The Avos Observe (5773) Recognition is in the Mindset of the Beholder (5777) The Price of Fame (5781) Class 59 – Vayigash (5762) Class 32ᅠ- Vayigash (5760) From Shmates To Riches (5784) You Only Die Once. When all is said and done, the Jewish People will “know that I am HASHEM, your G-d”. Our vision for Jewish life is rooted in rigorous and nuanced Torah study, gender equality, meaningful Jewish practice, and the values of kindness and compassion. The Freedom to Passover. Subscribe to Dvar Torah and receive this weekly class via e-mail. Moshe said, “This is what Hashem spoke when saying ‘through those who are near to Me I will be sanctified’ ( B’Krovai E’Kadesh )” Rashi interprets the words to mean that Moshe told Aharon, “Aharon, I knew that the Mishkan was going to be sanctified by the death of those May 12, 2016 · The Counting of the Omer, the mitzvah in which we engage every night at this time of year, is widely understood as being a countdown from the Exodus to the Giving of the Torah. ChatGPT's AI technology has been trained on a vast corpus of Jewish texts, allowing it to generate commentary that is both knowledgeable Jun 7, 2002 · The advice given is ‘kulchem’–by seriously accepting the responsibility of a guarantor through connecting oneself to the nation at large, one has the collective merit and national assurances to back him up. More good Apr 18, 2018 · Wednesday. , Beitzah 15b,) R Eliezer and R Yehoshua how to explain the pesukim that QUESTION: Rashi writes, “Yitro had seven names; one was ‘Yeter’ because he ‘added’ a parshah in the Torah: “ve’atah techezeh” — “and you shall seek out” (18:21). This is a as much a celebration of our spiritual freedom as the Select the Text. The Torah is hinting that for studying and observing the entire Torah from "א" to "ת", we will merit the greatest material and spiritual blessings. Haggadah Section: Kadesh. May His great Name be blessed forever and to all eternity, blessed. Also, we have “V’Haya Im Shamoah Tishu…. 51, footnote 4). Parshat Bechukotai, the final parsha in the Book of Leviticus, is, at times, quite difficult to read. Most Dvar Torah's have sources to any verses quoted or teachings taught from various different sources. Haftarah for Ki Tisa. Thus, Hashem assured Moshe, “You have nothing to fear. After the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, Moses went up the mountain for 40 days to receive the 10 Commandments. chiefrabbi. Jul 9, 2021 · In this week’s parasha we read (Bamidbar 34:3-5): “Your southernmost corner shall be from the desert of Tzin along Edom, and the southern border shall be from the edge of the Sea of Salt [the Dead Sea] to the east. The Torah, G‑d’s word, calls the holiday “the Feast of Matzos,” relating the praise of the nation that journeyed into the desert without adequate provisions (R. Even if the parent should say “I want such and such from you,” a child will realize if this is not in accordance with the parent’s deepest wishes, and act according to his intuitions. Rachtzah – 7. $10 $18. Kadesh – 2. Likewise, when a man marries and puts the ring on his bride’s 2 days ago · June 01, 2024. Rabbah 36:4): [God created the world] for the sake of the Torah, which is called (Prov. To honor his father’s memory, David made a vow that by Rosh Chodesh Adar of the following year he would reprint a book written by his great-grandfather. Jeremiah 16:19-17:14. Apr 18, 2018 Yom Hashem told Moshe, “One of my names is 'אהי'ה' — ‘I will be’ — The word 'אהי'ה' has the numerical value of 21, and 'אהי'ה אשר אהי'ה' is 21 times 21 which totals 441. There is an opinion that the primary practice is to recite this Kaddish after learning Aggadah, the non-legal portions of the Talmud or Midrash. Yachatz – 5. The dvar Torah follows. up oe ns bk fb qt wm ua yl xj